Hedgehog Care Guides

Hedgehog Emergency First Aid Kit: This is a listing of suggested products to keep on hand should your hedgehog ever get into trouble and need emergency medical attention.

Common Hedgehogs Disorders: This is a listing of commons problems encounterred when caring for hedgehogs. Please note this list may change often and is not complete.

Leg inspections: What should I look for?: Orginally printed May 2003 in the IHA News.

Hedgehog Care Books


The following books are recommended reading and contain the most accurate information in published books at the current time.

Hedgehogs (Complete Pet Owner's Manual), by Sharon Vanderlip D.V.M available in paperback
The Hedgehog : An Owner's Guide to a Happy, Healthy Pet, by Dawn Wrobel, Susan A. Brown, available in hardcover
The Pygmy Hedgehog, A Perfect Pet, by Sharon Massena and Bryan Smith - available in softcover
Not Recommended

The following books are not recommended as they contain very outdated information about hedgehogs. Some of which may actually kill your hedgehog in time.

Guide to Owning an African Pygmy Hedgehog : Housing, Feeding, Breeding, Exhibition, Health Care, by Dennis Kelsey-Wood - available in paperback: This book may appear under may other names, all written by the same author. Each of these books are old and do contain information which is harmful to your hedgehog. If you buy these books, do so just for the pictures and not for the information they contain.
Hedgehogs: How to Take Care of Them and Understand Them (A Complete Pet Owner's Manual), by Matthew M. Vriends, available in paperback: Again the information in this book is quickly becoming outdated. Please watch out for misinformation in this book.

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